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Ticker Desciption Contract
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in percentages
EURUSD Euro vs US Dollar 100000 -9,46 4,14
GBPUSD Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar 100000 -7,45 -1,78
USDCHF US Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 6,10 -14,15
USDJPY US Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 14,40 -26,10
USDCAD US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 -1,54 -5,61
AUDCAD Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 -4,40 0,55
AUDCHF Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 2,18 -7,23
AUDJPY Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 8,57 -11,23
AUDNZD Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 -7,15 2,45
AUDUSD Australian Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 -5,56 -0,59
CADCHF Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 4,95 -10,18
CADJPY Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 12,16 -18,98
CHFJPY Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen 100000 3,39 -10,60
EURAUD Euro vs Australian Dollar 100000 -8,51 0,43
EURCAD Euro vs Canadian Dollar 100000 -12,24 4,26
EURCHF Euro vs Swiss Franc 100000 1,82 -10,27
EURCZK Euro vs Czech koruna 100000 -44,28 20,53
EURDKK Euro vs Danish Krone 100000 -11,48 -26,42
EURGBP Euro vs Great Britain Pound 100000 -7,96 0,52
EURHKD Euro vs Hong Kong Dollar 100000 -37,92 -8,79
EURHUF Euro vs Hungarian Forint 100000 -197,21 162,67
EURJPY Euro vs Japanese Yen 100000 12,01 -19,73
EURMXN Euro vs Mexican Pesos 100000 -91,81 66,89
EURNOK Euro vs Norwegian Kroner 100000 -3,27 -1,61
EURNZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 -19,39 9,47
EURPLN Euro vs Polish Zloty 100000 -77,56 50,19
EURRON Euro vs Romanian Leu 100000 -114,05 -21,65
EURSEK Euro vs Swedish Krona 100000 -24,63 -25,84
EURSGD Euro vs Singapore Dollar 100000 -14,28 0,89
EURTRY Euro vs Turkish Lira 100000 -2 134,15 1 477,20
EURZAR Euro vs South African Rand 100000 -481,58 256,40
GBPAUD Great Britain Pound vs Australian Dollar 100000 -3,31 -11,29
GBPCAD Great Britain Pound vs Canadian Dollar 100000 -8,32 -5,58
GBPCHF Great Britain Pound vs Swiss Franc 100000 4,32 -19,84
GBPCZK Great Britain Poundvs Czech koruna 100000 -36,01 12,00
GBPDKK Great Britain Pound vs Danish Krone 100000 12,87 -83,44
GBPHKD Great Britain Pound vs Hong Kong Dollar 100000 -6,48 -73,76
GBPHUF Great Britain Pound vs Hungarian Forint 100000 -206,18 175,57
GBPJPY Great Britain Pound vs Japanese Yen 100000 18,96 -32,77
GBPMXN Great Britain Pound vs Mexican Pesos 100000 -93,84 65,97
GBPNOK Great Britain Pound vs Norwegian Kroner 100000 0,85 -10,01
GBPNZD Great Britain Pound vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 -15,25 -0,85
GBPPLN Great Britain Pound vs Polish Zlotje 100000 -66,30 26,30
GBPSEK Great Britain Pound vs Swedish Krona 100000 12,31 -112,15
GBPSGD Great Britain Pound vs Singapore Dollar 100000 -8,01 -6,84
GBPTRY Great Britain Pound vs Turkish Lira 100000 -2 499,65 2 075,70
GBPZAR British Pound vs South African Rad 100000 -506,99 170,61
NOKSEK Norwegian Krona vs Swedish Krona 100000 -2,42 -4,84
NZDCAD New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 -0,11 -4,46
NZDCHF New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 5,10 -10,00
NZDJPY New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 11,90 -18,18
NZDSGD New Zealand dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 -1,18 -6,45
NZDUSD New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 -1,96 -3,10
USDCNH US Dollar vs Offshore Renminbi 100000 4,27 -8,37
USDCZK US Dollar vs Czech Koruna 100000 -24,21 4,75
USDDKK US Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 35,13 -72,47
USDHKD US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar 100000 -17,30 -65,95
USDHUF US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 -154,20 125,42
USDMXN US Dollar vs Mexican Peso 100000 -66,25 39,22
USDNOK US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone 100000 4,44 -9,20
USDPLN US Dollar vs Polish Zloty 100000 -39,81 18,36
USDRON US dollar vs Romanian Leu 100000 -97,28 -31,28
USDSEK US dollar vs Swedish krona 100000 47,40 -99,61
USDSGD US Dollar vs Singapour Dollar 100000 -3,09 -8,66
USDTRY US Dollar vs Turkish Lira 100000 -623,07 323,17
USDZAR US Dollar vs South African Rand 100000 -300,06 103,61
USDILS US Dollar vs Israel Sheqel 100000 -6,853 -21,89
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