Risk icon Invest only the amount you are willing to lose. This is a risky investment with no principal protection.


Ticker Desciption Contract
Swap long,
in percentages
Swap short,
in percentages
XAGAUD .str Silver vs Australian Dollar 5000 -6,38 2,2
XAGUSD .str Silver vs US Dollar 5000 -4,961 -0,22
XAUAUD .str Gold vs Australian Dollar 100 -26,136 6,03
XAUEUR .str Gold vs Euro 100 -9,636 -32,736
XAUUSD .str Gold vs US Dollar 100 -36,036 12,915
XPTUSD .str Platinum troy ounce 100 -24,2 3,3
ALUMINIUM .str Aluminium 50 -6,16 -0,44
COPPER .str Cooper 30 -25,63 -15,29
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